Ready to Bow!
Are you Ready to Bow? We already know you have been stalking your mailman daily waiting on your fabrics to arrive.
WHAT IF, you could rip that bag/box open of beautiful fabrics and start working your magic instantly? What about that dance class or baseball practice you have later today, wouldn't it be super convenient to just grab a set of strips and off to practice you go?
You could be killing two birds with one stone by actually getting some work done while you wait. NOT TO MENTION, (THIS IS HUGE) when people see your beautiful fabric options, (wait for it...) I can promise you they are going to want bows for their little one, or their niece or a baby to be. I cannot tell you how many times people would see my fabrics or half sewn projects and BEG to be on a list to order. Show off what you do! Be passionate and let it be seen! It works, I have done it!
Yes, we know you can cut your own strips but wouldn't this be easy? Curated collections made for you and your business! I am sure many customers would order the sets! Sometimes the hardest choices are simply picking what they want and with our "Ready to Bow" collections we have made it super simple.
Who is Ready to Bow? We will continue to release more and more "Ready to Bow" collections for you weekly! Just keep checking back to see all of the goodies.